
Saturday, December 1, 2012

Birthday in a Box

It's a bit late, but, as promised, here's a glimpse of Jonathan's second birthday party at the Kaohsiung Cultural Center.  The camera got handed around and I ended up with over 400 photos, so I'll make this a photoblog.  It will be just as if you were there!

Vivienne and Jonathan rode to the birthday
party in style since their strollers were
being used to bring the "birthday in boxes"
 (and a few bags for good measure.)
Jonathan loves his bike, but it this picture he's really smiling
about bubbles.
This is my favorite picture of the birthday boy in his daddy's
favorite shirt.
Rachel introduces Jonathan to party blowers.
Jonathan shows his sister how its done with the bubble gun.
Emily tries out the bubbles from her goodie bag while Hope
masters the art of the party blower.  My boss Sophia, Hope's
mother, is in the middle.
Fawkes shows that he is truly the master
bubble blower.
Breanna gets to work on the balloons.
Little Katie grasps her balloon in one hand
 and her  goodie bag in the other and looks
on.  She didn't get to stay long and didn't
 really know anyone, but hopefully going home
 with her spoils, she considered the party a success.
Daddy and Uncle Mike enjoys the main course of pizza.
Most kids get cake with a candle for their birthday, but mommy
really couldn't resist Costco's pumpkin pie and whipped cream.
We did the more traditional cake thing on his actual birthday
at home.  Pictures of that may get up by Christmas or so.
Jonathan's not to sure what to make of his birthday pie.

Vivienne votes for us to add "bags" to
our list of fun things that begin with a
"B," but since bags are usually not round,
they didn't make the cut.
This one's round, right mommy?
Jonathan's Taiwan grandma got to come join the fun and
brought him a fun monkey backpack that was his birth
father's when he was little.  Somehow it didn't make it into
any of the hundreds of pictures, though.  Can't you see where
he gets his lovely eyes from?
Hope really caught on fast to the idea of party blowers.

Beautiful Katie!
Vivienne hangs with her favorite Uncle Mike.
Lucas couldn't decide which hat he wanted.
Fawkes the Tiger.
My kids got food from any and everybody.
And then there were gifts.  I brought a few of our own, but
I totally forgot that other people might bring gifts to a birthday
party.  Kids birthday parties are really not a Taiwanese thing
to do at all, so it's been a long, long time since I've been to one.
Jonathan managed to get the hang of
 unwrapping gifts pretty fast.
Mommy enjoys the Spiderman shirt she bought for Jonathan,
but Jonathan is still gazing intently at the Cars/Cars 2 DVDs.
He had only ever seen them on shirts and stickers and such,
but these were soon to become two of his favorite movies.
Yup.  Here he's still grasping his Cars
DVDs, but mommy presses on, enthusiastically
encouraged by daddy to keep going if we
want his presence during the operation.
Vivienne naps through the presents, thanks to Uncle Mike
who took her on a walk in her stroller when she started
getting fussy.
The birthday boy takes a little break
from all the festivities.
Eric and family even brought their own ball to the party.
Their gift fit in well, too -- BUBBLES!!
Andrew shows off one of Jonathan's
awesome birthday presents.
Jonathan found another fun, round thing
that starts with the letter "B" -- the BUTTONS
on the sweater mommy made him for his
birthday last year.
Getting chilly -- Breanna might still be in short sleeves, but
mommy made Vivienne put on her sweater, too.
So glad Cliff and Leanne got to stop by.
Jonathan returns in style from one last bubble session with
the guys.
All good things must come to an end,
even birthday parties.  The party is back
in the boxes and loaded up and ready for
the trip home.