
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Brother and sister

One of the best things about Jonathan and Vivienne's developing language skills is listening to them communicate to/about one another.  Now, both being toddlers, they have plenty of moments like yesterday morning where their wants and desires end up being at odds with each other.  Jonathan had woken up happy and looked ready to greet the day, hanging with mommy and daddy.  But then, we heard Vivienne wake up.  Now, usually Jonathan loves to have Vivienne up and about -- so much so that at times we lock her door while she's taking a nap so he can't go in and wake up his favorite playmate before she's ready -- but for some strange reason, when she woke up yesterday, he got really weepy and started moaning, ""No Vivienne wake up.  No Vivienne down."  My only guess is he thought he could get some one-on-one mommy and/or daddy time and was disappointed to find out that wasn't the case.

On the other hand, both being toddlers, they also have plenty of the other kind of moments, the ones where they are completely on the same wavelength and absolutely delight in each other's presence.  Last night was such a time.  Jonathan was climbing on and off the changing table.  At one point, he stopped just a step from the bottom and said, "Stuck."  Now, there was no way he was actually stuck, but then he said, "Vivienne, help."  I offered to help him, but he insisted it be Vivienne.  Vivienne put out her little hand and held his hand like I do when they need just a tiny bit of help getting down from a chair or some such place.  Jonathan grasped her hand and proceeded to get down all by himself and then said, "Dank ooo" or some such toddler version of "Thank you."  They both laughed and then did it all over again.

I love seeing the two of them together -- that is, when I am not negotiating who gets to play with what toy when (the idea of "my turn" definitely comes before the idea of "your turn" in child development) or trying to convince him that it wasn't nice to push her down for no reason at all or her that we shouldn't hit people even if they take our stuff.  Stephen wondered the other day how Vivienne would be different if she had been the oldest child, and I wonder the same thing at times.  I am so glad she wasn't.  I am so glad that God not only gave the kids to us but that He also gave them to each other.  I love my Taiwan twins and I love seeing how God's plan is unfolding in our family as a whole, no matter how crazy and disorganized we might be.
They had so much fun playing peek-a-boo together the other
day.  That is to say, they had so much fun once the debate of
who got to use which blanket had been resolved by mommy.
And that's one of the most exciting things about baby David, too.  It's great for me to have another baby to love, but I am most excited to see what these three will be to each other as they grow and come to know each other.  I pray that they will be a blessing to each other now and always, just as I was blessed to grow up with my brother Jonathan.  (Yes, we named our son after my brother.  No, it hasn't been a problem to date because other than a few weeks a year and a half ago, they've been on different continents all of little Jonathan's life.  We shall see what happens when we finally make it to the U.S., but I'm guessing we'll manage.)
They both adore their new little brother already -- so much so
that is was a miracle I managed to get this shot amid the squabbles
about who got to lie next to the baby.

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